Want to know your application status?

Enter your ID/Passport no. below...

Please enter an ID / Passport no.

Should errors or ommisions occur in the results shown below, the University reserves the right to make corrections.

Student Number : {{x.StudentNo}}
Surname : {{x.Surname}}
Year : {{x.Year}}
Campus : {{x.CampusDescription}}
Offering Type : {{x.OfferingDescription}} ({{x.OfferingType}})
Qualification : {{x.Qualification}} ({{x.QualificationCode}})
Admission Status : {{x.StatusDescription}} (Code: {{x.StatusCode}})

N.B. You have not completed the application process. Click on this link to complete your application I-Enabler.

Status Code Explained

Execute the recommended action, if any:

Status Description
A Selected for instructional programme (senior students)
AT Academic transcript or previous qualification outstanding
B HESA/SAQA Certificate outstanding, see https://mb.usaf.ac.za/contact-us/ or Website: www.saqa.org.za
C Cancelled Application
DE Application Deferred and will be re-evaluated after your final Grade 12 results are released
D Instructional programme: No decision taken – Senior students
E Conditionally Accepted postgrad – pending prerequisite qualification
G Admission for instructional programme (new students – ALL campuses)
H Admitted based on Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
HX HX- Not Admitted based on Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
I Instructional programme testing (selection test required: interview),see https://www.cut.ac.za/selectiontests/
IE Ineligible to apply for this Instructional programme
K Not selected for instructional programme: No prerequisite subjects
L Instructional programme testing (selection test; no interview), see https://www.cut.ac.za/selectiontests/
N Instructional programme: No decision taken – New students
P Not selected for instructional programme: Failed final selection
PA Admission for Postgraduate programme
PE Portfolio of Evidence for Design and Studio Art programme
PF Programme Full
Q Provisional acceptance for instructional programme (new students – ALL campuses)
SI SI – Hospitality instructional programme interview and testing
T Instructional programme (Provisionally accepted International)
NB: selection requirements met but need to comply for permit, passport and medical aid.
U Results outstanding
W Instructional programme: Waitlisted Students
X Unsuccessful for instructional programme: Insufficient marks
Z Not selected for instructional programme (alternative choice)
5 Prospective students: Selection for Extended Curriculum Programme (ECP)
8 Prospective students: Selection for PGCE
EP Postgrad application pending HOD’s review
TE Awaiting Teaching Experience (We require Higher Education teaching experience, and must be emailed to Mrs Edem: aedem@cut.ac.za)
AR Your Application has been received.
OD Required Documents have not been uploaded.
DU Outstanding documents uploaded by student, application is being attended to.
AW Prev Year Appl Withdrawn, Your previous year's application is withdrawn because you never registered with CUT for the current year, therefore you must re-apply for the next academic year.

Contact CUT on the following telephone numbers should you have any enquiries about applications and/or registration.
Tel: +(27) 051 507 3744 | +(27) 051 507 3021 | +(27) 051 507 3028 | +(27) 051 507 3026 | +(27) 051 507 3014